09:58:19 From Charlie Howland : Given your focus on a 'town,' presumably a political unit (town, city, etc.), how do you bring this model to work w/ a distribution utility that is bigger than the town boundaries (i.e. other than a muni distributor)? 10:02:10 From Mark Scully : Our model starts with an estimate of how much solar could be sited locally (on rooftops, canopies and land), then includes the cost of the town’s share of transitioning the regional grid to renewables. Happy to elaborate in the Q&A. 10:03:51 From Charlie Howland : thx. 10:18:03 From Robert Perry : Great presentation, Moneer. Is there a link to the study itself? 10:21:07 From Mark Scully : Resources from the PACE website on energy plans: https://pacecleanenergy.org/energy-plan 10:26:56 From Moneer Azzam : https://www.power-d.city/ 10:27:13 From Robert Perry : Thanks! 10:42:42 From Moneer Azzam : Unfortunately some participating towns asked not to share actual study. 10:42:51 From Moneer Azzam : Happy to share presentation 10:49:40 From Robert Perry : SB 99 - The Community Energy Resilience ACT: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB99 10:50:24 From Moneer Azzam : mazzam@beaconclimate.com 10:50:39 From Richard : rchase42@gmail.com 10:50:52 From Michael Fladmark : Thanks. Informative meeting.