10:19:24 From Chris Carrick : An editorial published in The Hill newspaper has speculated that the 19 Republicans who supported the Infrastructure bill, as well as the proposed legislation in NC that would close 5 coal plants, suggests that some Republicans are getting on board with renewable energy. Any thoughts? https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/567968-proof-of-growing-bipartisan-support-for-clean-energy 10:25:33 From Rick Reibstein : Is it possible to define away blue hydrogen as not "clean", (which the money is for) and limit funding to green hydrogen? 10:25:48 From Chris Carrick : How does that $3.5 billion for weatherization compare to previous level of funding? What % increase is that? 10:29:04 From Gerry Braun : Regarding tens of billions for transmission, is there a focus or restriction, for example, focus on transmission connecting to high quality renewable resources, e.g. off shore wind? Or is it just a subsidy for routine transmission upgrades and expansion? 10:41:40 From Benjamin Schwartz : Is there money earmarked for the production of ultra-high voltage transmission lines? 10:47:56 From Chris Carrick : Looking at the top line numbers, do we have a sense of how much of the funding is divided between deployment vs. R&D and pilot projects? 10:55:29 From Moneer Azzam : Any sense of which agencies will be most instrumental in implementing these bills? 11:00:24 From David Kay : Thanks! 11:00:38 From Moneer Azzam : thanks! 11:00:47 From Rick Reibstein : Thank you! Useful overview. 11:00:50 From Chris Carrick : Thank yo uDavid!