11:12:03 From Moneer Azzam : Baird, are there specific references to microgrid being more reliable than centralized approach 11:35:32 From James Orenstein : Who is speaking (12:35)? 11:35:54 From Lorenzo Kristov : Larisa Dobriansky 11:36:11 From Sierra Dall : larisa Dobriansky by phone only 11:46:08 From Baird Brown to Sierra Dall(Direct Message) : Gan we get to Questions and Discussion? 11:48:14 From Baird Brown to Sierra Dall(Direct Message) : Thanks. 11:55:10 From Robert Perry : IMO, PBR is an essential element that keeps the focus on the customer. 12:01:26 From Robert Perry : Check out SB 99: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB99&firstNav=tracking 12:01:52 From Moneer Azzam : Greentown has 140 firms working over the country. Beacon Climate is spearheading a Resilient Energy Consortium. Reach out to me at mazzam@beaconclimate.com 12:02:19 From David Kay : Thanks everyone. Gotta go.