• National -Ardi Arian Renewable America LLC  – – –
    Renewable America LLC is a fully vertically integrated Independent Power Producer (IPP). We have over 2GW of solar power plants operating globally. Our US team is focusing on CCAs that serve their communities with locally generated power. Renewable America LLC Japan Group’s strong financial background enables us to manage projects from early-stage development through commissioning and operation. Our extensive services include site selections, feasibility studies, engineering, construction, and finance.
  • National – Baird Brown –  Eco n Law
    Baird’s practice includes the development and financing of energy and sustainable infrastructure projects and advice on the regulatory and policy issues affecting such projects. He is counsel to the Microgrid Resources Coalition, and represents state and local sustainability agencies charged with promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and green infrastructure. He has worked extensively on public/private partnerships and privatization of public services.
  • National –  David Duperrault, Attorney 
    David Duperrault, specializes in energy law and policy with a focus on climate change and clean energy strategies. His interests include public utilities regulation, renewable energy, community choice aggregation, distributed energy and microgrids, energy efficiency, energy storage, de-carbonizing the transportation sector, biogas digesters, and policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Formerly, he was with the California Public Utilities Commission,Energy Division where he oversaw Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) and the migration of millions of customers from investor-owned utilities to CCAs.
  • National – Jeff Hintzke  Clean Focus –  
    Our group of companies originates, develops, finances, constructs, owns, and operates renewable energy projects in the United States and China. Clean Focus Yield owns and operates renewable energy projects that ensure stable cash flows and attractive dividends for investors.
  • National – Kevin Daehnke, Center for Strategic Policy Innovation  
    Kevin Daehnke is Founder and President of the Center for Strategic Policy Innovation, where he spearheads the Clean Growth IncubatorTM, an Accelerator for the buildout of clean, renewable energy in cities across the country. As an environmental attorney and entrepreneur, Kevin is a strong believer in the value of economic innovation and public-private partnerships to jumpstart equitable economic growth throughout the nation
  • National – Lynn Arthur Peak Power LI
    PeakPower LI works with municipalities to develop programs that align with the Municipal Sustainability Plan, including policies and building code. We collaborate with municipal staff executing programs that educate and stimulate constituents to lower their carbon footprint. Recently our marketing campaign successfully harnessed public pressure to motivate an inflection point resulting in regulatory change to enable CCA on Long Island
  • CA – Greg Rosen, High Noon Advisors 510.418.0202
    Greg is a 20-year renewables finance veteran and strategist who has developed or financed more than $400 million worth of residential, commercial and utility solar projects. He has worked with a variety of companies and non-profit organizations to craft and raise scalable, community-friendly financing for clean energy initiatives in both the US and the developing world.d
  • VA – Cliona Robb ThompsonMcMullan 
    Provide advice to municipal governments and other large retail users on energy matters including negotiations with investor owned utilities, electric co-operatives, and municipal utilities. Expertise includes rate negotiations, lobbying, and other matters adverse to incumbent utilities.  
Please Read this Disclaimer: Although most of the resources listed on this site are experts in their fields, Municipal and State Energy Edge Forum does not evaluate their qualifications.  Therefore,  by clicking on any of the links or by attending any programs listed on this website, and/or if you follow any advice or use any of these companies/services, you are agreeing to not hold Municipal and State Energy Edge Forum or its DBAs, liable for any negative results arising from the use of these ideas, services or companies.