The experts below are driving sustainability and renewable energy progress in cities, communities, local government and states across the USA.
National – Craig Lewis- Clean Coalition
The Clean Coalition works dectly with utilities, municipalities, and policymakers to identify and deploy cost-effective local renewable energy. Leveraging our technical, policy, and project development expertise, we seek to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and a modern grid. We conduct renewable energy siting surveys, design procurement and interconnection processes, drive policy innovation, and establish Community Microgrids. Learn more at -
CA – Rob Hammon PhD BIRAenergy
Leading the residential market to reduce emissions, reverse climate change, and improve business practices by integrating existing and emerging efficiency, renewable and storage technologies into homes and communities -
TN – Michael Walton Green Spaces
Green|spaces is a 501(c)3 that advances the sustainability of living, working, and building in Chattanooga,TN and the surrounding region. This is done through Empower Chattanooga, an outreach, education, and training program in underserved neighborhoods. The program focuses on resilience and affordability of utilities; green|light, Chattanooga’s Green Business Certification; the NextGen Homes, a demonstration of market-rate net zero energy residential development; as well as other programming including green school summits, networking, consulting, speaking, sustainability professional development, and a store-front public resource center.